Friday, September 12, 2014

My Cover Has Been Blown!

So yeah, I just slipped to a friend of mine that I have a blog. That's just more evidence to the fact that over the years I've come more and more out of my shell and gotten in touch with my extravert side. A lot of people knew about my first blog, Simply Life by Faith. I shared it on Facebook and told people about it. This blog has been flying under the radar since I started it. I haven't "gone public" with my new blog. Not even with my roommates! I have a new blog and I changed my screen name. I got tired of the confusion with the 2 possible meanings of my old screen name, 2 very different meanings lol. I wanted a clean slate and I went for it. My first blog is still online and available to be read. Posts range from early 2011 to not too long ago. I dropped off after a while when things got really hard in my life. I came back rarely to write out my feelings. It's not easy to read, it's really emotional. . . I'm feeling a random subject change coming on. . .

Assassin Training Update!

After taking it easy for three days and just completing my 2 small daily quests, I have made a full recovery and jumped back into my strength training today! Hooray! I really really overdid it that first time. Who knew that going from terribly out of shape and never exercising to doing circuits of 20 squats, 20 lunges, 10 push ups, etc would be too much? I thought I was being careful. What I didn't know was that the sore muscles don't come until the next day. So this time I scaled down the numbers. I'll know tomorrow if I under or overestimated lol. I love how Nerd Fitness makes something so hard to do so easy and actually really fun. I just realized how terrifying of an idea a hobbit assassin is lol!

I spent a good chunk of my day watching my roommates' playing Skyrim. I guess I contributed more hours to it than I had thought. I have the crazy ability to look up at the screen during any given moment and know where in Skyrim they are and what quest they're on and often where they're stuck. I've given directions to them to find places without needing to look at the map. I would be impressed with myself, but then I remember that in the real world, I don't know my city or even apartment complex as well as I know the landscape of Skyrim.

I haven't been playing Skyrim lately. I have been putting my energies into Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I seriously consider it training. I have a possible appearance on a Let's Play coming up for the new Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. I am so out of practice and I will be representing all girl gamers out there. I can't let my fellow girl gamers down! We are a rare and beautiful phenomenon and we can really kick butt whether we're fighting dragons, goombas, badniks, zombies, the flood, ReDeads, creepers, or just simply disobeying the narrator in The Stanley Parable.

Well, I think I've reached my cut off point. Since my new job has me starting at 6am I need to get a head start on the whole going to sleep earlier so I can function at dawn thing lol.

Thanks for reading!

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