I didn't have good access to the internet back then. That would have made my quest easier. I had to do it the old fashioned way and ask family members. I finally hit some success with my mom. She was surprised at my question because, as she reminded me, we had grown some blue food in the garden behind her house before. She had called it our toy garden because we didn't plant anything useful that year. No vegetables to put on the table really, just fun things. We planted pumpkins, baby pumpkins, Indian corn, Red corn, and.....here it is......Blue corn!
If I'm remembering correctly it was a type of popcorn that we could actually put in the microwave and pop! Armed with this information I strolled up to my boyfriend confidently and declared that I had proven him wrong. I told him about blue corn and he was surprised. He had never heard of it and he admitted defeat.
That should have been enough right?
I have discovered something. I never let it go. Some time after that he and I broke up (unrelated to blue food, obviously). Prom happened. Graduation happened. College happened. I never forgot. Every time I came across information or pictures of naturally blue food I took note. He and I weren't even talking anymore at that point, but I still took note. I never let it go lol. Now, so many years later we are back together and the subject came up again. He's not arguing with me about it but I still feel like I have a point to prove. It may be silly, but being silly is fun. So here are some of my top finds for blue food! I've followed the criteria of naturally blue food that isn't mislabeled purple food. The blue corn is a bit dark and grayish.
No. 1: The Larch
Just kidding!
Exhibit A: Blue Marble Tree Fruit
Exhibit B: Blue Crawdad
Yes, people eat them. One family reunion we took everybody out to the creek and caught bucketfuls of the little guys. They may not still be blue after cooking, but cooking is just a suggestion right?
Exhibit C: Blue Potato Chips
They are made from blue potatoes, which are a bit purple. But the chips seem to be more in the blue camp. It can be argued that they look purple. At this shade it becomes a matter of opinion. I checked and there are no added colors. The color is all natural.
Exhibit D: Oregon Grapes
Who said all grapes are purple?
Exhibit E: Decaisnea Fargesii Fruit
Exhibit F: The Indigo Milkcap
Exhibit G: The Blue Quandong
Exhibit H: Lingcod Fish
It's flesh is blue and changes color when cooked, but humans eat raw fish all the time.
So that's it! That's my top finds for blue food! Thanks for reading!
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*I don't own any of these images. They were all found using Google images.
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