So I have trouble organizing my thoughts. There's so many things I want to write about, but organizing them and putting them into words is where I have trouble. So I thought I would take this week to write something that's already organized in my mind, a memory. I have lots of fun memories and this is definitely one of them!
I was about 6 years old. My sister was about 3 years old. It was summer and, I believe, a weekend. We grew up on a big farm surrounded by lots of family. One of my favorite things to do was explore. As is common, I had a disregard for some rules I was raised with. I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to wander so far, but I did. I left my sister playing in the yard and went on an adventure. I left the yard boundary and wandered into fields full of briars, long grass, flowers, and most likely snakes. I was barefoot. I went barefoot full time in the summer unless we went to town or church. The bottoms of my feet were tough and the briars barely registered. I walked and walked. I came across Papaw's tobacco fields and dirt trails beaten down by tractors and trucks. I followed one of these trails near a pretty gnarly sinkhole-like ditch, so deep that I could climb into it and not see over the ground from inside it. I didn't climb into the ditch...this time. Instead I followed the trail towards the river. I lived right next to the Cumberland River. I was always told to stay away from the river because I could fall in and drown. I didn't go to the river. I got sidetracked by the trail I was on. At some point it had rained and the water had flown down the trail towards the river, leaving the ground a funny texture. To my young mind it looked just like the Jif peanut butter my mom used to make her famous fudge. The ground had a spread peanut butter look to it. Oh course I had to step in it! The ground had dried pretty well and was just damp, but it was still really fun to walk on! I played for a while by myself and decided to name this newly discovered land: Peanut Butter Land. All of a sudden it was too awesome of a place for me to keep to myself. I had to tell someone!
You know where I'm going with this don't you?
I raced back over the fields and briars and whatnot, back to the yard. My sister was still happily playing with who knows what awesome toy from our youth. I ran over to her and told her I found a land made out of peanut butter. She loved peanut butter! I told her to come with me. She hesitated a little, but I used my magical older sister powers of persuasion (and no I did not grab her by the hair and drag her! I was nicer than that thank you very much!). I convinced her with my imagination and excitement. She decided to follow me. We made it to the edge of the yard and started into the long grassy, flowery, briary field. She put one foot down and started to cry. She had stepped on a briar. I managed to convince her to keep going. I coaxed her over the briars, through the long grass, pointing out pretty flowers to distract her. We were in the clear when we made it to the dirt track.
I introduced her to Peanut Butter Land like it was Disney World. It doesn't take billions of dollars and pixie dust to fill a child with wonder. Honestly, we were happy about mostly dried out mud. So I'm guessing imagination is key. I remember it felt funny on our bare toes and we left little foot prints here and there. We might have attempted to make a peanut butter castle but, honestly, with the consistency that I remember it wouldn't have held up.
I was clever and figured we needed to get back home soon before our parents started looking for us. I didn't want to get in trouble and I was pretty sure I wasn't allowed out so far without an adult. So we made our way back over. Of course we had to cross the briars again. I tried to teach my sister to walk softly and slowly. I was coaxing her and we had almost made it back when I heard Mom and Dad yelling for us. At the sight of Mom, my sister just broke down and cried. Mom was there and the briars were mean and she just wanted Mom. I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. The added weight made the briars actually sting a bit on my feet. I set her down in our yard where our parents were and waited for it. I was sure I was in so much trouble. I was waiting for the switch or belt. But my parents were just happy that we were safe. They even told me they were proud of me for taking care of my little sister. I was shocked! I was the reason we had disappeared and I was getting praise instead of the beating of my life? What universe was this? But I wasn't about to complain!
I lived to adventure another day!
Thanks for reading!
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The Hobbit Ninja
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