Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Best Birthday

A week has gone by since my birthday, but the weekend of my birthday was crammed with so much amazingness that there was no time to fit it into my usual weekend post. Actually, I didn't manage to publish that weekend's post until a few days later and it was just something small so there wouldn't been a gap in posts.

My roommates went all out. It's our friend tradition to keep everything secret and surprise each other with fun themed birthdays. I couldn't have prepared myself for this one. I awoke on the morning of my birthday to an apartment completely decked out in brightly colored messages. Each message had a truth about me and the person who said it. When I say completely decked out I mean they were all over my bedroom, the hallway, my bathroom mirror, the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. My roommates had gotten a hold of a lot of people and asked them to fill in the blank for Jerelle is ________. They got answers from friends, my boyfriend, my church life group, my serving team at church, and my parents and siblings. I was completely blown away and each thing I read hit me right in the heart.
The theme was truth. For context, I have PTSD. I was abused. I've believed a lot of lies about myself for a very long time. God told me some time ago that I should collect truth and write it down and read it when my anxiety gives me trouble or I find myself believing lies. For example, one of my truths is "I am safe." I keep the list in my favorite journal. When I read through my truth list I calm down and I feel grounded again. The panic goes away. Drenching my life in truth has also had the effect of changing how I see and treat myself. I'm believing truth about myself that I've struggled with for many years. I'm taking care of myself emotionally and physically. I am finding peace and joy and freedom. In the Bible, Jesus says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32). That is exactly what is happening.

 With the truths alone, it was the best birthday ever. But there was more! There was blue birthday cake. You didn't read that wrong. Blue, very blue birthday cake with strawberry icing (pink and blue, so fun!) and very colorful ice cream (it was a very colorful birthday all around).
Incredibly delicious food and a movie followed. We watched Into The Woods and it was fantastic! Also I got to listen to my very first vinyl record. I get it now. Vinyl sounds amazing and especially when it's Ella Fitzgerald! The very next day I got to see my amazing boyfriend and his family. He introduced me to the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted....EVER! We also watched Kingsmen: The Secret Service, which was an action/spy movie lover's dream! I am definitely in the camp of spy movie lover and this movie had a bit of everything. One really exciting thing was I got to be in not one, but two podcasts! I got to sit in and contribute to my boyfriend's Monthly Music Mixup and the movie review for Kingsmen! Both of which I will link to this post.

Monthly Music Mixup on TSCN.TV

TSCN Review of Kingsmen: The Secret Service

It was a birthday I will treasure forever and never forget. I was surrounded by truth, friends, fun, and the one I love. My heart was overflowing with truth and love from so many people that I care so deeply about. I couldn't ask for more. It was a birthday that changed more than just my age and I am so thankful that I have people in my life that want me to know who I am and how much I'm loved.

Thanks for reading!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

aka TheHobbitNinja

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