Friday, October 3, 2014

Soldiers, Irony, and a Britney Spears Dance Party

So I just had this random urge to watch M.A.S.H. and all of a sudden, no kidding, this really happened, M.A.S.H. came on the T.V. I decided to watch our 4 local channels instead of breaking out Netflix. I didn't know M.A.S.H. still aired! The urge probably had something to do with the book I've been reading, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society. It's a psychology book I came across at Half Price Books on clearance. I have a psychology degree, I find it fascinating. So far the book has discussed the huge reluctance people have to killing other people, even if they're "the enemy," even to save their own life. It's something I've thought about, but never really knew was an actual thing. It's not often talked about. Interestingly, after I started reading this book and learned a little about the subject, I visited a good friend of mine and we watched an episode of The Twilight Zone. The episode was about soldiers and killing. What are the odds? So much of what I had just been learning about came up in that episode!

I would like to share something really ironic that happened earlier today. I had just gotten home from work and noticed that the trash needed to be taken out. On the way to the dumpster, lugging a few bags with me, the clouds split open and dropped a huge downpour. I looked at one of the bags I was carrying to the dumpster. Inside was a rain poncho I had decided to get rid of because I would never use it. Oh the irony.

I've decided to dabble in technology a bit. I really don't know what I'm doing, but I managed to figure out how to put a video in this post. Hooray! I was going to share my first video, but unfortunately I do not have that video. It's on my roommate's facebook and I don't have the option to download it. But I did have the option to download an old video of mine. I filmed this during my last year of college. It actually might have been the summer of 2011, right after I graduated from college. It was one of those spontaneous weird moments my sister and I have. *No animals were harmed in the making of this video. My sister's cats love her and have a lot of patience. They ran right up to her right after I ended the video.* Hope you enjoy. :)

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