Saturday, May 2, 2015

Important Announcement

Hello again! I have some news for my readers. This is my last blog post in Simply Loved. I will be continuing in a new blog call The Halfling Ninja. It can be found at It's a continuation of Simply Loved as well as a fresh start. I'll be adding some new ideas and content, but I'll still post about my life and different experiences. It's basically Simply Loved with some extras. It's a good thing, trust me. Thank you for being my readers. I really appreciate you and I hope that you read my new blog. I already have my first post published: Introductions. I already have two drafts waiting to be published as well. I'm excited! I hope you like the additions.

Simply Loved continuing on The Halfling Ninja (address:

Thanks for reading!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Land of Peanut Butter

So I have trouble organizing my thoughts. There's so many things I want to write about, but organizing them and putting them into words is where I have trouble. So I thought I would take this week to write something that's already organized in my mind, a memory. I have lots of fun memories and this is definitely one of them!

I was about 6 years old. My sister was about 3 years old. It was summer and, I believe, a weekend. We grew up on a big farm surrounded by lots of family. One of my favorite things to do was explore. As is common, I had a disregard for some rules I was raised with. I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to wander so far, but I did. I left my sister playing in the yard and went on an adventure. I left the yard boundary and wandered into fields full of briars, long grass, flowers, and most likely snakes. I was barefoot. I went barefoot full time in the summer unless we went to town or church. The bottoms of my feet were tough and the briars barely registered. I walked and walked. I came across Papaw's tobacco fields and dirt trails beaten down by tractors and trucks. I followed one of these trails near a pretty gnarly sinkhole-like ditch, so deep that I could climb into it and not see over the ground from inside it. I didn't climb into the ditch...this time. Instead I followed the trail towards the river. I lived right next to the Cumberland River. I was always told to stay away from the river because I could fall in and drown. I didn't go to the river. I got sidetracked by the trail I was on. At some point it had rained and the water had flown down the trail towards the river, leaving the ground a funny texture. To my young mind it looked just like the Jif peanut butter my mom used to make her famous fudge. The ground had a spread peanut butter look to it. Oh course I had to step in it! The ground had dried pretty well and was just damp, but it was still really fun to walk on! I played for a while by myself and decided to name this newly discovered land: Peanut Butter Land. All of a sudden it was too awesome of a place for me to keep to myself. I had to tell someone!

You know where I'm going with this don't you?

I raced back over the fields and briars and whatnot, back to the yard. My sister was still happily playing with who knows what awesome toy from our youth. I ran over to her and told her I found a land made out of peanut butter. She loved peanut butter! I told her to come with me. She hesitated a little, but I used my magical older sister powers of persuasion (and no I did not grab her by the hair and drag her! I was nicer than that thank you very much!). I convinced her with my imagination and excitement. She decided to follow me. We made it to the edge of the yard and started into the long grassy, flowery, briary field. She put one foot down and started to cry. She had stepped on a briar. I managed to convince her to keep going. I coaxed her over the briars, through the long grass, pointing out pretty flowers to distract her. We were in the clear when we made it to the dirt track.

I introduced her to Peanut Butter Land like it was Disney World. It doesn't take billions of dollars and pixie dust to fill a child with wonder. Honestly, we were happy about mostly dried out mud. So I'm guessing imagination is key. I remember it felt funny on our bare toes and we left little foot prints here and there. We might have attempted to make a peanut butter castle but, honestly, with the consistency that I remember it wouldn't have held up.

I was clever and figured we needed to get back home soon before our parents started looking for us. I didn't want to get in trouble and I was pretty sure I wasn't allowed out so far without an adult. So we made our way back over. Of course we had to cross the briars again. I tried to teach my sister to walk softly and slowly. I was coaxing her and we had almost made it back when I heard Mom and Dad yelling for us. At the sight of Mom, my sister just broke down and cried. Mom was there and the briars were mean and she just wanted Mom. I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. The added weight made the briars actually sting a bit on my feet. I set her down in our yard where our parents were and waited for it. I was sure I was in so much trouble. I was waiting for the switch or belt. But my parents were just happy that we were safe. They even told me they were proud of me for taking care of my little sister. I was shocked! I was the reason we had disappeared and I was getting praise instead of the beating of my life? What universe was this? But I wasn't about to complain!

I lived to adventure another day!

Thanks for reading!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

The Hobbit Ninja

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Small Wonders

I missed a post last week. I started to feel bad about that, especially when I noticed that people checked in to see if I'd written anything new and I hadn't. I felt like I let my readers down. But then a new thought popped into my head. "Oh my gosh! I'm following a routine so well that my readers have noticed!" I'm not great with sticking to a schedule and I've been trying to put out a blog post every week. I didn't notice until now how well I've been doing with that considering my lack of experience with consistency. So yay! It's a reason to be happy instead of be down on myself, and that alone is victory!

So I've had various ideas buzzing around in my head about what I should write about this week. I haven't had a lot of success. Nothing greatly huge has happened that can dominate a blog post. It's been all smaller things. Oh, just had a thought! I'll write about small things that fill me with wonder.

1. Thinking about how far a raindrop traveled to land on your face.

2. How speakers make sounds. It's been explained to me, but I'm still in awe.

3. How cats appear to be part liquid, they take on the shape of whatever container they fall asleep in.

4. How God plants the most beautiful wildflowers in the middle of the wilderness, just for someone to discover and enjoy.

5. How a person can cry when overflowing with either sorrow or joy.

6. The beauty of the smile and laugh of an elderly person.

7. The innocent, completely free imaginations of small children.

8. No matter how many times you see a sunrise or a sunset, it can still take your breath away every time.

9. How that person in front or behind you in the grocery line could be the most amazing person that you'll never know because most people don't talk to strangers.

10. Sitting with an older person and listening to the stories of what they've seen and lived through in their life, decades before you were born. It's more amazing than any history book because they were there when it happened.

11. How one ball and two scoring areas can fill a crowd with so much energy. For the duration of the game, we're all together in this one thing that's happening in the moment, united.

12. How reading a book can transport you into another world, someone else's world that they live or that they made up in their heads. When reading, the writer takes you on a journey to what's in their mind. Something that only they could come up with.

13. How we all have hands but we all can't do the same things with them. One person can paint a masterpiece with them. Another can build an amazing machine. Still another can sooth and heal people with them. Another can play the most beautiful music. Someone else can write the most fantastic story. Yet another can lift an ungodly amount of weight. Another can do things with a sports ball most of us can only dream of doing. Others can scale buildings. The list is neverending and ever varied.

14. How some amazing people are famous and other amazing people aren't and the difference is only that most people know how amazing the famous person is.

15. How amazing it is that thousands of gallons of water can float above our heads as fluffy clouds that look no more threatening than pillows.

16. At the very moment that you're watching a sunset with so much awe, someone else is watching a sunrise with the same amount of awe.

17. How a smile can completely transform a face.

18. How we call laugh and cry in the same language.

19. How we all at some time or other have tried to come across as a person with no scars, when we all have scars.

20. How the birth of a baby is a miracle, and it's happening every moment of every day.

21. How billions and billions of people have lived on this earth, and no two have been exactly alike.

22. How we all have fears, no matter how much we try to hide it.

23. How we all make mistakes, but still judge one other's mistakes so harshly.

24. How God made two genders that are so alike and so different and fit together so wonderfully that it's a wonder we haven't killed each other.

25. How we all dream of flying.

Thanks for reading! And thank you for checking in even when I missed a week!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

The Hobbit Ninja

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Best Birthday

A week has gone by since my birthday, but the weekend of my birthday was crammed with so much amazingness that there was no time to fit it into my usual weekend post. Actually, I didn't manage to publish that weekend's post until a few days later and it was just something small so there wouldn't been a gap in posts.

My roommates went all out. It's our friend tradition to keep everything secret and surprise each other with fun themed birthdays. I couldn't have prepared myself for this one. I awoke on the morning of my birthday to an apartment completely decked out in brightly colored messages. Each message had a truth about me and the person who said it. When I say completely decked out I mean they were all over my bedroom, the hallway, my bathroom mirror, the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. My roommates had gotten a hold of a lot of people and asked them to fill in the blank for Jerelle is ________. They got answers from friends, my boyfriend, my church life group, my serving team at church, and my parents and siblings. I was completely blown away and each thing I read hit me right in the heart.
The theme was truth. For context, I have PTSD. I was abused. I've believed a lot of lies about myself for a very long time. God told me some time ago that I should collect truth and write it down and read it when my anxiety gives me trouble or I find myself believing lies. For example, one of my truths is "I am safe." I keep the list in my favorite journal. When I read through my truth list I calm down and I feel grounded again. The panic goes away. Drenching my life in truth has also had the effect of changing how I see and treat myself. I'm believing truth about myself that I've struggled with for many years. I'm taking care of myself emotionally and physically. I am finding peace and joy and freedom. In the Bible, Jesus says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32). That is exactly what is happening.

 With the truths alone, it was the best birthday ever. But there was more! There was blue birthday cake. You didn't read that wrong. Blue, very blue birthday cake with strawberry icing (pink and blue, so fun!) and very colorful ice cream (it was a very colorful birthday all around).
Incredibly delicious food and a movie followed. We watched Into The Woods and it was fantastic! Also I got to listen to my very first vinyl record. I get it now. Vinyl sounds amazing and especially when it's Ella Fitzgerald! The very next day I got to see my amazing boyfriend and his family. He introduced me to the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted....EVER! We also watched Kingsmen: The Secret Service, which was an action/spy movie lover's dream! I am definitely in the camp of spy movie lover and this movie had a bit of everything. One really exciting thing was I got to be in not one, but two podcasts! I got to sit in and contribute to my boyfriend's Monthly Music Mixup and the movie review for Kingsmen! Both of which I will link to this post.

Monthly Music Mixup on TSCN.TV

TSCN Review of Kingsmen: The Secret Service

It was a birthday I will treasure forever and never forget. I was surrounded by truth, friends, fun, and the one I love. My heart was overflowing with truth and love from so many people that I care so deeply about. I couldn't ask for more. It was a birthday that changed more than just my age and I am so thankful that I have people in my life that want me to know who I am and how much I'm loved.

Thanks for reading!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

aka TheHobbitNinja

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Something Random

 I didn't publish a new post last Saturday so I thought I would do something small. I made up this story randomly for my youngest sister, just to make her smile. When she was younger she used to ask me to tell her stories. I told random stories and I just loved making her laugh. Now that she's on Facebook I can make up stories for her anytime. The story below is the first story I've written to her.

 There was once a blade of grass. He dreamed of growing long and tall, taller than all the other blades of grass. He longed to see the world around him and do great things. Each day he worked hard to grow and grow. Before he knew it he towered above the rest of his friends and family. He could see for whole inches, perhaps even a whole foot! But still he dreamed bigger. "I want to see 3 feet! A whole yard!" So each day the sun would rise and each day he grew a little taller, bit by bit. He was the first to see the lawnmower.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank


Saturday, February 21, 2015

One Food, Two Food, Red Food.....Blue Food???

So about 8 years ago I got into a funny, fake argument with my boyfriend about the existence of blue food. We were sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria with our friends and I remember him making the statement that there is no such thing as blue food. Well, this got the wheels in my mind turning warp speed. I went for the obvious first answer: blue M&M's. That didn't meet the criteria. He was talking about naturally blue food. I went for the next obvious answer: blue berries. Nope, they're purple. I couldn't argue with that. So I resolved to find a naturally blue food to prove him wrong. This is how it all started.

I didn't have good access to the internet back then. That would have made my quest easier. I had to do it the old fashioned way and ask family members. I finally hit some success with my mom. She was surprised at my question because, as she reminded me, we had grown some blue food in the garden behind her house before. She had called it our toy garden because we didn't plant anything useful that year. No vegetables to put on the table really, just fun things. We planted pumpkins, baby pumpkins, Indian corn, Red corn, it is......Blue corn!

If I'm remembering correctly it was a type of popcorn that we could actually put in the microwave and pop! Armed with this information I strolled up to my boyfriend confidently and declared that I had proven him wrong. I told him about blue corn and he was surprised. He had never heard of it and he admitted defeat.

That should have been enough right?

I have discovered something. I never let it go. Some time after that he and I broke up (unrelated to blue food, obviously). Prom happened. Graduation happened. College happened. I never forgot. Every time I came across information or pictures of naturally blue food I took note. He and I weren't even talking anymore at that point, but I still took note. I never let it go lol. Now, so many years later we are back together and the subject came up again. He's not arguing with me about it but I still feel like I have a point to prove. It may be silly, but being silly is fun. So here are some of my top finds for blue food! I've followed the criteria of naturally blue food that isn't mislabeled purple food. The blue corn is a bit dark and grayish.

No. 1: The Larch

Just kidding!

Exhibit A: Blue Marble Tree Fruit

Exhibit B: Blue Crawdad

Yes, people eat them. One family reunion we took everybody out to the creek and caught bucketfuls of the little guys. They may not still be blue after cooking, but cooking is just a suggestion right?

Exhibit C: Blue Potato Chips

 They are made from blue potatoes, which are a bit purple. But the chips seem to be more in the blue camp. It can be argued that they look purple. At this shade it becomes a matter of opinion. I checked and there are no added colors. The color is all natural.

Exhibit D: Oregon Grapes

 Who said all grapes are purple?

Exhibit E: Decaisnea  Fargesii Fruit

 Exhibit F: The Indigo Milkcap

Exhibit G: The Blue Quandong

Exhibit H: Lingcod Fish

 It's flesh is blue and changes color when cooked, but humans eat raw fish all the time.

So that's it! That's my top finds for blue food! Thanks for reading!

This Space Intentionally Left Blank


*I don't own any of these images. They were all found using Google images.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ninja Training Update

Between a simply insane weekend last weekend and being sick this weekend I have nothing in reserve to publish this week. I had gotten into a good schedule of having my posts written a week in advance. It was glorious, but now I'm finding myself playing catch up. I was scrambling to figure out what to write about when it hit me. I haven't given an Assassin/Ninja Training Update in quite a while. I actually have a lot to update on that!

Due to a very unexpected and drawn out process of injuring both my hands and waiting for them to heal properly, I haven't been doing any exercises. It has been a big lesson in patience, taking care of myself, and respecting my personal limits. Really what happened was I had a previous injury in my left hand that had healed back wrong. While that hand was reinjured so it could heal back the right way, I managed to overcompensate for it with my right hand. As a result I injured my right hand in just the same way my left hand was injured. I was so angry with myself. I had to take a long break from video games. My fine motor skills were laughable. I felt like I had unskilled clubs on the ends of my arms instead of hands. I had to ask the boys for help at work with the heavy stuff and I couldn't drive either of the trucks because that required me having to literally climb into the truck cab, which put too much strain on my hands. It has been rough but I've learned a valuable lesson and I don't plan on making that mistake again.

I have continued my plan of keeping water as my main drink. I actually counted up the time since I stopped drinking pop and I was shocked. I stopped drinking pop around 5 months ago! The crazy thing is I don't miss it. Both of my roommates still regularly drink it and I am not even tempted. I look at it and don't see it as appetizing at all. Drinking water makes me feel amazing! It's like I feel cleaner on the inside. I have more energy and that sluggish, blah feeling is gone.

On top of continuing to drink water, I have added a number of things. I now have an accountability partner. This have been so helpful. Sometimes you just don't feel like doing the work and you're okay with letting yourself down. But letting someone else down is a different matter. The accountability has majorly helped in building habits. You get used to doing healthy things and before you know it, you've created a good habit. Right now I'm just going over basic things. Most of my life I have done a horrible job at taking care of myself. My basic check in things with my partner are: Eating 3 meals a day, drinking 50 oz of water, getting at least 7 hours of sleep, not stressing my injured hands, and keeping my room organized. That last one sounds really random, but it's amazing how much having a clean and organized room helps with my mental health. Visual noise and clutter don't help anxiety.

The accountability is set up in report form. I write out daily reports. Honestly, just recording my daily progress is helpful and keeps me aware of my daily choices. I report on the items I listed above, as well as adding how I felt that day and what my big picture circumstances were that day. It gives some helpful context. As someone with an anxiety disorder, recording the big picture circumstances of my day helps me see patterns, identify triggers, and just be more aware of how stressors affect my health. I've learned so much about myself and my health through this process!

As far as results go, I don't own a scale so I can't give an actual weight loss amount. I can say that I need a new belt. I started out only being able to reach the first hole on my current belt. Now I am on the farthest hole and still shrinking. I have gone down a shirt size and two jeans sizes. I have learned how important taking care of myself physically is to my mental health. The two cannot be separated. Just working on physical health greatly improves my mental health. With better mental health I'm better equipped to make healthy decisions. It's become an awesome upward spiral. That's a real thing!

If you have PTSD, some other anxiety disorder, or any mental disorder try making healthy decisions for your body. I know. I rolled my eyes at that advice so many times in the past. But now that I'm actually doing it and reaping the benefits, I must say it is definitely worth it! It really works! Just start small. Do you eat 3 meals a day? Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep? Wherever you find yourself there's a small step you can take towards better health. Don't try to do it all at once. That rarely ever works. Have patience and grace for yourself. Find one thing you can stick with and do it daily. Finding an accountability partner really helps too. Most importantly, be kind to yourself and don't give up when you fall down. Just get back up. There are no penalties for falling unless you don't get back up.

That's all I have for now. Thanks for reading!

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