Wednesday, September 17, 2014

You Have Committed Crimes Against Skyrim And Her People

What say I in my defense? I say I was framed! I was wrongfully charged! The punishment does not match the crime at least lol. This game won't stop glitching on me! Of course, I was finishing up a quest that landed me in prison for life because I stepped on the wrong people's toes. That was expected. It was easily remedied. I just killed the king of the Forsworn, took his key, and got the heck out of Dodge. Things got interesting after that. I was confronted with a series of glitches. First I was caught trespassing in Markarth. I sheathed my weapons and the guards did not attempt an arrest. They just tried to kill me. It was cute until the crazy lightning guy joined the battle. So, I'm running for my life all over the city. I enter my house and sleep. Lay low and hope it all blows over. I walk out of my house, hoping to at least get the chance to pay my 5 gold fine so I can walk down the street in peace. Nope. Stepped out of my house, arrows, angry voices, and the reappearance of crazy lightning guy.

I decided to leave town and see if maybe later they would reconsider their intense wish to kill me.

On the way to my main hub (Whiterun), I ran into another glitch. I see a deer in the distance. I'm an archer and craft a lot. I took out the deer, but while I'm walking up to collect the deer skin a crazy soldier comes out of nowhere and tries to annihilate me! It's an imperial soldier. I haven't offended them since whatever I did at the beginning of the game when they wanted to behead me. Maybe they changed their minds. I easily kill the mad man and then notice a noble on a horse, panicking. This soldier was the typical guard for the self important traveling noble. You see him periodically if you don't fast travel a lot. Now, what on earth did I do to make him randomly attack? As soon as I killed him, in self defense might I add, I was notified that I had a 1000 gold bounty for Whiterun. But he started it! Lol. It's not fair! I know, life's not fair. But this is a video game, not real life lol.

If that wasn't weird enough, I soon ran into the same exact glitch. Another bloodthirsty imperial soldier guarding a noble on horseback. What was going on?

Later, I bought a horse and made my way back to Markarth. The guards weren't happy to see me. But at least they attempted to arrest me instead of just execute me. Instead of the 5 gold fine, somehow I owed 1,400 something gold! Let me clarify that at no point during their attempted execution did I hit or kill anyone. The bounty for killing the imperial soldier was on my Whiterun tab. It was a blow to my wallet, but that's the price you pay for peace.

It didn't stop there. While successfully "borrowing" a horse from the stables in Whiterun, I was notified that I had a 40 gold bounty in Eastmarch. I was in Whiterun. Okay, so I was stealing a horse in Whiterun, but I didn't get caught. Why was I being fined in Eastmarch? I hadn't even visited Eastmarch in that file! Things were getting a bit too weird. After several more minutes of playing, my console promptly froze. This is always a sad moment, though it seems to happen frequently.

Glitches can be frustrating, entertaining, and sometimes helpful. This particular time was more amusing than anything else. Though that over 1000 gold fine for a 5 gold crime irritated me a little lol. Oh, and I got my revenge on crazy lightning dude! Though it happened through another glitch. He was waiting for me outside the city. When I walked up he asked me if I'd seen anyone entering or leaving this house. Huh? Sir, this is a city, not a house. I had encountered this quest in other files, so I knew what he was referring to, but that was weird and random. I recognize his name as the crazy lightning guy that had chased me through that same city not long before. He led me to the house. We discover an evil presence. Furniture flies all over the place. Lightning guy loses his cool when the disembodied voice tells us to kill each other and attacks me with his lightning again. I'm quicker and take him out with two arrows. Ha! That's what you get crazy lightning dude!

Can you tell it was my day off today?

So, I'm wondering. What are your interesting video game glitch stories? I'd love to hear them.

Thanks for reading! Who knows what my next post might be about lol.


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